克利夫兰州立大学Zhiqiang Gao教授讲座预告:Automatic Control: The history of clashing ideas-新闻网
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    克利夫兰州立大学Zhiqiang Gao教授讲座预告:Automatic Control: The history of clashing ideas

    点击数:    |    加入时间:2015-07-21

    时间:2015年7月24日 下午15:30



    The field of automatic control is considered the epitome of engineering science: above all it precipitated the industrial revolution that made the modern life possible; it has also become a branch of applied mathematics with the uttermost rigor. But the field has struggled, like any field of engineering science, for pure principles in design and for reality-bound premises in theory. Revisiting the history of clashing ideas, we believe, will enable the return of originality in the making of new, breakthrough control technologies. A case in point is how the dominant PID paradigm is being replaced by that of the active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) in the hands of industry giants such as Texas Instruments, Freescale, and Parker etc. The clashing of ideas will no doubt continue, but to what end? Moreover, among variousnew developments in disturbance rejection, is there a unifying principle? Emerges from the technical details, perhaps, is a new paradigm of automatic control.

    About the Speaker:

    Prof. Zhiqiang Gao received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1990 and has taught at Cleveland State University even since. Faced with ever widening chasm between control theory and practice, Dr. Gao returned to the roots of controls by collaborating extensively with engineers at NASA and industry in solving real world problems, from which the foundation and authenticity of research were rebuilt. Collaborating with Prof. Jingqing Han, Dr. Gao worked quietly on active disturbance rejection control for over 15 years, nurturing it from its early, conceptual stage to a maturing and emerging industrial control technology. In doing so, he made an obscure idea clear and established firmly a general design principle in dealing with uncertainties in industrial settings, often with staggering improvements in performance and energy saving. Asking basic, rudimentary question in research and in teaching, Dr. Gao and his team find creative solutions inpractice and vitality in education. Dr. Gao's research and teaching materials can be found at http://cact.csuohio.edu

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