学术报告预告:Laser Precision Engineering: from Microprocessing to Nanofabrication-新闻网

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    学术报告预告:Laser Precision Engineering: from Microprocessing to Nanofabrication

    点击数:    |    加入时间:2014-08-05

      报告人:Prof. Minghui HONG,Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore
      报告摘要:Laser precision engineering has unique advantages as a noncontact process with flexible setup and high speed processing in air, vacuum or liquid environment. In the last decades, we have witnessed its extensive applications in various production lines. Combined with other advanced processing tools, laser nanofabrication will play a much more important role in the next-generation manufacturing. In this talk, our recent research progress on laser surface cleaning will be introduced. Meanwhile, our recent researches on laser combinations with AFM, NSOM and transparent particles to achieve sub-50 nm resolution will also be discussed. To address the technical challenge of slow nano-manufacturing speed, maskless multi-beam laser nanofabrication approaches are explored to make large-area functional micro/nanostructures. Furthermore, macroscopic hybrid micro/nanostructures fabrication by laser means to create large area structures for broadband antireflection and self-cleaning effect are presented as well.
      报告人简介: Prof. Hong Minghui specializes in laser microprocessing & nanofabrication, optical engineering and applications. He has co-authored 10 book chapters, 24 patents granted, and 300+ scientific papers in Chemical Reviews, Nature, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Nature Communications, and Laser & Photonics Reviews etc., and 50+ plenary/keynote/invited talks in international conferences. He is a member of organizing committees for Laser Precision Micromachining International Conference (2001~2014), International Symposium of Functional Materials (2005, 2007 and 2014), Chair of International Workshop of Plasmonics and Applications in Nanotechnologies (2006), Chair of Conference on Laser Ablation (2009) and Chair of Asia-Pacific Near-field Optics Conference (2013). Prof. Hong is invited to serve as an Editorial Board Member of ScientificReports, Associate Editor of Science China, International Journal of Optomechatronics, Editor of Laser Micro/nanoengineering, Guest Editor of Applied Physics A and Industrial Laser Users. He is Simon Industrial and Professional Fellow, the University of Manchester, UK; Guest Professor of Zhejiang University, University of Science & Technology of China, Xiamen University andNanjing University of Technology as well as Visiting Professor of Institute of Optoelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Hong is Fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellowof International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and Founding Fellow and Secretary General of International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE).
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