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  1 Brief Introduction to Academic Events
  The participants will be divided into five groups according to their majors and research fields.
  (1) Lectures
  Each group will attend two lectures given by experts in their research areas.
  (2) Academic Exchanges
  a) Five sessions for five groups will be organized in parallel. Each student is required to give an oral report of around 15 minutes. Invited experts will comment on the presentations.
  b) Academic discussions focusing on hot-spots in the research field of each group will be carried out by invited experts and participants together during the process of Group Seminars.
  3) Technical Tours
  Lab A. State Key Laboratory of ATC New Navigation System
  Lab B. National Science Key Laboratory of Aero-thermodynamics of Aircraft Engines
  Lab C. Beijing Key Laboratory for Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems and Safety Control
  Lab D. The State Key Laboratory for Virtual Reality Technology and System
  Lab E. Key laboratory of Fluid Dynamics, Ministry of Education, China
  Lab F. Intelligent Technology and Robotics Research Center
  Lab G. Key Laboratory of Spacecraft Design Optimization and Dynamic Simulation, Ministry of Education
  Lab H. National Key Laboratory of Inertial Technology
  (4) Team Competition
  The organizing committee of the summer school has put forward a frontier problem for each group, and members of the group will be divided into teams and do research and write a research report to compete with other teams.
  One distinguished team from each group will win the Best Team Award.
  2 Detailed Arrangements:

  3 Introduction to Experts Invited
  l Dr. Dongsheng Li
  Dongsheng Li, currently a Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society (RAS), works as the Vice President (since 2009) in Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute (COMAC Design Centre), Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Centre (COMAC R&D Centre). He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Bristol in 1993, his M.Phil degree from University of Exeter in 1989, and his B.Eng degree from Tianjin University in 1983. He went to University of Birmingham as a visiting scholar on a government sponsorship (1986-1987) and engaged in advanced studies in Tsinghua University (1984-1985). He worked in Hebei University of Science and Technology as an Assistant Lecturer (1983-1986), also in University of Bristol as Post-Doctorate Research Associate (1993-1996). He held a concurrent post as the Transnational Team Leader for Damage Tolerance, Head of UK Department, Stress Methods and Technologies in Airbus and a Ph.D. supervisor in Imperial College London, Bristol University, Bath University (1996-2009). He has published more than 70 papers and reports, including internal technical reports in Airbus.
  l Prof. Pierre Q. Gauthier
  Professor Pierre Q. Gauthier is the technical leader in Rolls-Royce Canada on Aero-Thermal Methods, and he is responsible for all Aero-Thermal work and development done at Rolls-Royce Canada. Meanwhile, he is also a member of the Global Rolls-Royce Methods Development Team, subject Matter Expert in Combustion Computational Fluid Dynamics, coordination of Research Projects with Universities. His researches include NOx and CO Emissions in Gas Turbine Combustors, alternate fuels for Gas Turbine Applications, combustion/Thermodynamics Modeling and Analysis, aerodynamics Modeling and Analysis. His positions and awards can be known as follows: Chair of the 19th annual CFD Society of Canada Conference held in Montreal Canada April 27-29, 2011, session Co-Chair (Combustion, Fuels and Emissions) ASME TURBO EXPO 2011, Vancouver Canada June 6-10, 2011, winner of the 10th Annual, Concordia University, Engineering and Computer Science Teaching Excellence Award (2007). 2010 President’s Teaching Excellence Award at Concordia University, keynote Speaker at the CFD in Chemical Reaction Engineering V conference held in Whistler, Canada, 16-20 June, 2008, invited Speaker at the FLUENT Users Group Annual Conference held in Toronto, Canada, September 20th, 2010, chair of a Special Session on Aerospace related Combustion research from Industry and Academia at the CFD Society of Canada 18th Annual Conference at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, May 2010, Member of the Board for the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada.
  l Dr. Xifan Hao
  Xifan Hao, the student of Professor Xia Renwei, graduated from School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University in the year of 1985 for his Bachelor degree. He then guided the missile design department of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) in the year of 1988 for his Master degree and the flight vehicle design department of Beihang University School of Astronautics in the year of 2008 for his Doctor degree.
  He has been engaged in long-term study for the development of carrier rockets and has put forward some assumptions and ways for the new generation carrier rocket in China. And he spares no efforts in approving and initiating the project of new generation of carrier rockets.
  He has also devoted himself into the study of moon and deep space exploration technologies and he organized the moon probe research assisted by the related units and spared no effort in promoting the foundation of the moon probe project.
  In the first phase of the moon probe project—the “lunar exploration” and the second phase of the moon probe project—the “moon inspection tour”, he was the deputy director of the engineering center of moon and space probe project and was in charge of the development of Chang’e 1 satellite and Chang’e 2 satellite from the beginning to the end of the implementation process; after the implementation of the third phase of the moon probe project, he became the deputy general designer of the third phase of the moon probe project and also the deputy director of the engineering center of moon and space probe project. Nowadays he is working very hard with his research team in order to accomplish the third phase of the moon probe project successfully.
  He has been responsible for organizing the composing of space white book in which the aerospace concept was proposed, and he published a white book called “the Aerospace of China” in 2001 and won many prizes and rewards including the technological progress prize and the “Outstanding Contributor” prize, etc.
  l Prof. Guillermo Rein
  Professor Guillermo Rein received the Ph.D. degree in Department of Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 2005. He went to the University of Edinburgh and worked as a research fellow in the field of mechanical engineering from 2007 to 2012. Since 2013, he has been working in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Imperial College London
  Professor Guillermo Rein's publication record includes contributions to 4 book chapters, 55 journal papers and more than 150 conference communications. Most of his journal papers can be found in Google Scholar (current H-index is 19 and combined citation count is > 1000).
  l Prof. Shigang Yue
  rofessor Shigang Yue is a Professor (since 2012) in the School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. He received his PhD and MSc degrees from Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) in 1996 and 1993, and his BEng degree from Qingdao Technological University (1988). He worked in BJUT as a Lecturer (1996-1998) and an Associate Professor (1998-1999), also in City University of Hong Kong (MEEM) as a Senior Research Assitant (1998-1999). He was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (2000, 2001) working with Prof. Henrich in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Before joining the University of Lincoln as a Senior Lecturer (2007) and promoted to a Reader (2010), he held research positions in the University of Cambridge (2006-2007), Newcastle University (2003-2006) and the University College London (UCL) (2002-2003) respectively
  His research interests are mainly within the field of artificial intelligence, computer vision, robotics, brains, and neuroscience. He is particularly interested in biological visual neural systems, evolving of neural subsystems, neuromorphic vision chip and its applications in collision detection for vehicles, interactive systems, UAVs and ground robots. He has pioneered the area of using further organisations of directional selective neural networks for collision detection. He also has research interest in medical image analysis established in Cambridge.
  l Prof. Malcolm Dunlop
  Professor Malcolm Dunlop comes from an internationally renowned academic research institution, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. He received his Ph.D. in 1983 from Imperial College, and then stayed to work. In 2000, he began to serve as a Space Physics researcher at Imperial College. In 2002, he moved to the UK Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and served as a senior scientist in the field of space environment. He was also the magnetospheric physics and space environment research group leader, and the European Space Agency Cluster Constellation program scientist. Professor Malcolm Dunlop has long been engaged in space physics and space environment exploration technology research. He has extensive experience in the implementation of satellite engineering and achieves a series of important results in the space physics field.
  l Prof. Huaming Wang
  Prof. Huaming Wang (born May 1962) is the principal professor in the field of Materials Processing Engineering. He is also the director of the Department of Materials Processing Engineering and Automation and the chief scientist in the research department of Aeronautical Materials and Structures which is a division of the National Laboratory of Aeronautical Science and Technology.
  He has been devoting himself to the research on advanced material preparation science and forming technology. And the project he held won the first prize for the National Technological Invention in 2012.
  l Prof. Lin Shen
  Professor Lin Shen is a Principal Expert in system design of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), and he is a Deputy Chief Researcher of R&D Center of CALT, a professor of aerospace systems engineering. He is now responsible for space transportation system’s development strategy research and systems engineering technology research. He joined the Systems Engineering Division of CALT in 1992, and took part in several Long March Launch Vehicles’ research and development projects. In 2003, he moved to R&D Center of CALT and focused on advanced project researches. He is a member of Launch Vehicle Experts Group of Science and Technology Committee of CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation), a member of National Space Debris Mitigation Experts Committee, a member of Academic Committee of Space Exploration Joint Research Center of Education Ministry, and a member of Experts Group of Manned Space Flight Advanced Research.
  l Prof. Linshu He
  Professor Linshu He graduated from Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical Institute in 1960. He has been doing teaching and researching work in the field of aircraft design (including the launcher, the guided missile, the airplane, the satellite, the land-effect plane, etc.). From 1982 to 1984, he engaged in advanced studies as a visiting scholar in New Jersey institute of technology, USA. He was rated as the associate professor in 1986, the professor in 1992, and the doctoral tutor in 1996. Subject specialties: new conceptual aircraft design, aircraft multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO), overall and physical design of aircrafts, CAD, expert system, concurrent engineering, etc.
  l Dr. Jie Zeng
  Dr.Jie Zeng, currently a technical fellow at BASTRI, COMAC. Before he joined COMAC in 2012, he has worked as an R & D control system engineer at ZONA Technology INC for six years. During that time, he actively conducted and participated many SBIR/STTR projects from U.S.NASA and Air Force. His research lies in the fields of aeroelastic analysis,linear and nonlinear system identification, adaptive filtering, flutter prediction, robust/optimal aeroservoelastic control.
  Dr. Zeng received his M.Sc. degree from the Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China in July 2000 and his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering, University of California, San Diego, USA in December, 2005.
  l Dr. Jielong Wang
  He works in Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute of COMAC now. In 2001 he received the Master degree from the Department of Engineering Mechanics of THU and in 2007 he received the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of GIT, USA. From 2007 to 2011 he worked as the senior system engineer in Gamma Technology Company in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He was subsidized preferentially by the program of overseas scholars’ scientific and technological activities in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. He has been engaging in the teaching and researching work in the field of aircraft aerodynamic elasticity for a long term, independently has accomplished the projects of UH-60 pneumatic elastic response prediction, V22 aircraft flutter analysis, Bomber B2 nonlinear servo gas flare response calculation analysis, etc.
  l Dr. Zhenxun Gao
  Doctor Zhenxun Gao is the assistant professor in National Lab for Computational Fluid Dynamics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University.
  He studied for his Ph.D. degree in Fluid Dynamics, National Lab for Computational Fluid Dynamics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University from 2005 to 2011. During 2001 to 2005, He studied for his Bachelor degree in Aircraft Design and Applied Mechanics, School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University. Doctor Zhenxun Gao’s current research domains include Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hypersonic aerodynamics and aerothermal dynamics, LES of turbulent flows, Modeling of turbulent combustion in supersonic flows, Modeling of compressible turbulence and transition flows, High temperature aerodynamics, and DSMC of rarefied gas dynamics. The Project he has been working on is Modeling and analysis of the interaction between turbulence and combustion in supersonic compressible flows.
  l Dr. Longfei Chen
  In 2004, Longfei Chen graduated from Tsinghua University majoring in Automotive Engineering. From 2004 to 2007, he received double Master degrees from Tsinghua University and RWTH Aachen University respectively. In 2010, he received the doctorate from Oxford University. He worked as a research assistant in the headquarters of FEV in Germany and Johnson Matthey Company in Britain. Since 2011, Mr. Chen has been a member of faculty in Beihang University and kept in studying the aviation piston engine and analysing the particulate emission and published many papers.
  l Prof. Zhiwen Gan
  His research field is alternative aviation fuel, combustion and multiphase dynamics. He received his Bachelor degree of engineering in Engineering Physics in Tsinghua University and received his Master degree of engineering in Engineering Themophysics in Beihang University. In 2012, he graduated from Nanyang Technological University and received his Ph.D. degree.
  l Prof. Xungang Diao
  Dr. Xungang Diao is now a professor of physics at School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering of Beihang University. He was born in March of 1965. His education and working experiences are briefly as follows:
  2002/09-Present: Professor of physics at Beihang University, Beijing, China. Research direction: All solid state thin film electrochromic device and applications. Teaching courses: General Physics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials, Fundamental Material Science and Engineering, Infrared technology, Solar energy technology.
  l Prof. Shiping Zhu
  Shiping Zhu, is an associate professor of the school of Instrumentation Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, Beihang university. His research interest is processing of image and video and computer vision. He published 6 SCI papers and 40 EI papers and also achieved 17 authorized China invention patents. In the year of 1991, he won the second prize of China aviation industry corporation ministerial scientific progress award for the achievement of the solar panels flatness measurement system.
  l Dr. Hongzhi Jiang
  Hongzhi Jiang, born in 1978, Liaoning Province, China. He is a lecturer in the School of Instrumentation Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, Beihang University. His research interest is precision optical measurement technology and application. He published a series of high-level academic papers and got the first prize in 2012 China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award.


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